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STEM Resources for Students, Families and Educators

STEM - Summer Academies

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education STEM Summer Academies

Students apply to attend FREE Summer Academies at Oklahoma colleges or universities and discover the fascinating worlds of robotics, drones, renewable energy, engineering, environmental conservation and much more!

OSU 2024

Oklahoma State University STEM HUB

Your one-stop-shop for STEM Education resources and opportunities in Oklahoma. Resources include in-person and virtual opportunities for students, parents and educators.

OSU 2024

Oklahoma State University College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology

Oklahoma State University encourages and engages young students, introducing them to science, technology, engineering and math while equipping them with critical thinking, problem solving, creative and collaborative skills. Check out their resources to help prepare students for the STEM world.

UO - College of Engineering

University of Oklahoma College of Engineering

Engineering faculty and students are actively engaged in promoting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) in K-12 education and offer a variety of programs to encourage kids to get excited about STEM education.

Oklahoma City Innovation District

The Oklahoma City Innovation District (OKCID) is a dedicated non-profit organization, committed to revitalizing Oklahoma City's entrepreneurial landscape. Nestled in the thriving Northeast OKC, this district stands as a beacon of innovation, fostering progress through advancements in research, technology, energy, healthcare, biomanufacturing, and aerospace. Visit the site for a list of upcoming events.

Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services STEM Camps

STEM Camps are open to all Oklahoma students with disabilities, ages 14-19 (i.e., on an IEP, 504 Plan, or other documented physical, mental, or cognitive disabilities). Students will learn how to use computers, software, and related technologies to design and create race cars, patches for clothing, buttons, and more! Most importantly, they will develop technology skills that will last a lifetime.

Oklahoma State Department of Education: STEM Education

The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) is dedicated to preparing students for their futures, and a high-quality STEM education will help prepare students for post-secondary science, math, engineering, computer science, and technology opportunities. This site includes resources for families and communities, educators, and administrators.

Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance Logo

Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance

The Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance is passionate about empowering communities through the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The website includes resources for youth, families, educators and the community.

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OCAP believes that financial literacy and understanding the financial aid process are critical aspects of college planning and student success. OCAP staff who work with students, parents, educators and community partners in the areas of personal finance education, state and federal financial aid, and student loan management do not provide financial, investment, legal, and/or tax advice. This website and all information provided is for general educational purposes only, and is not intended to be construed as financial, investment, legal, and/or tax advice.