What happens if I withdraw from school?
We highly recommend staying in college, but we realize that
situations can arise that require students to withdraw. If you find
yourself in this situation, remember these important points:
- Complete withdrawal forms BEFORE you leave school. You may lose
all or some of your eligibility for financial aid, especially if
you do not complete the necessary forms.
- Your institution may have to return funds used to pay your
school charges, and you may end up owing the college for any
tuition and fees originally paid by financial aid. You may even
have to repay grants due to lost eligibility.
- You are responsible for repaying student loans that are not
refunded whether or not you return to college.
Be sure you talk to the financial aid office at your college or
career technology center BEFORE withdrawing to find out how your
current and future financial aid will be affected.
If you've accepted student loans, you typically have a six-month
grace period before you will need to begin making payments. Find
more student loan resources at OklahomaMoneyMatters.org and ReadySetRepay.org.