I have already submitted my FAFSA application. Is there a
separate application to apply for OTAG?
No. Students are automatically considered for OTAG when they
submit their FAFSA and report Oklahoma as their state of legal
residence. In order to receive OTAG, a student's financial
information as reported on the FAFSA must meet basic OTAG
eligibility requirements, the student must attend an
OTAG-eligible school, and be selected by the school based on
institutional eligibility requirements.
What is the income cutoff to be eligible for OTAG?
There isn't an "income cutoff" for OTAG. Financial eligibility
for OTAG is based on your Student Aid Index (SAI). The SAI is
determined by a formula that takes into consideration family size,
number of students in college, assets and other things in addition
to income, so we can't tell by income alone whether a student will
be eligible.
OTAG does not have an SAI cutoff; however, students must be
eligible for a Pell grant for the current term.
What is the deadline to apply for OTAG?
OTAG no longer has a specific deadline. Institutions may
designate a deadline as part of the institutional eligibility
requirements. Students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible
after the application becomes available. OTAG receives many more
eligible applications than can be awarded, and the FAFSA
application date may be used by the institution to prioritize which
students will receive an award. How early you apply may make the
difference in whether you receive an OTAG award.
How will I know if I have been awarded an OTAG grant?
OTAG does not notify students of their awards. Instead, your
school will be the one to notify you if you will receive OTAG. They
may do this by including an estimated OTAG grant in your financial
aid award letter or by some other method.
I received OTAG last year. Do I have to apply again to continue
to receive it?
Yes. A student must apply (file a FAFSA) every year that they
wish to receive OTAG, and this is true for most (if not all)
financial aid programs that use the FAFSA. In order to continue
receiving OTAG, you must continue to meet all of the eligibility
and awarding requirements each year (Pell eligibility,
institutional requirements, satisfactory academic progress,
My school told me I would receive an OTAG grant this semester.
Classes started last week and I already have my Pell grant, but I
don't have my OTAG funds yet. Is something wrong?
Probably not. While some schools coordinate the disbursement of
Pell and OTAG funds, other schools disburse them on different
dates. A school must verify eligibility information for each
student that receives OTAG there. Because of this, many schools
prefer to wait until after the add/drop period so that they can
accurately report the number of credit hours a student is enrolled
in, as well as other information that can affect the student's
award. Your school may be in the process of verifying your
eligibility information. However, if more time passes and you still
have not heard anything from the financial aid office about the
disbursement of your award, contact your school's financial aid
office and ask about an estimated disbursement date, or if there
are any unresolved issues with your financial aid file that need to
be addressed.
I got OTAG last year. I filled out a FAFSA again for this year,
but I haven't heard anything about OTAG this year. Am I still
Eligibility for OTAG awards is determined each year, so just
because you received an award last year doesn't automatically mean
you will receive one this year. There are several things that can
affect whether you receive an award. If the information on your
FAFSA has changed from last year, your SAI may now not be within
the range where you are eligible to receive OTAG. If you are not
making SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) as defined by your
school, you will not be eligible. If you are an Oklahoma resident
and entered anything other than "OK" for state of legal residence
on your FAFSA, this could be preventing you from being considered
until this problem is corrected. Also, if there is a problem with
the information on your FAFSA -- some information is missing or
incorrect -- or if your financial aid office is waiting for you to
provide additional information, this may be holding up your award.
It is important that you contact your financial aid office if you
have any questions about your eligibility, so that any problems
that exist can be resolved as soon as possible.
We are going to need a lot of financial aid to be able to pay
for my college, and I am hoping I will be eligible for an OTAG
grant. What can I do to maximize my chance of getting OTAG?
The most important thing for you to do is to submit your FAFSA
application early! OTAG usually receives many more eligible
applications than can be awarded, and the FAFSA application date
may be used to prioritize which students will receive an award.
Because so many financial aid programs use the FAFSA, submitting
your FAFSA early can also help place you near the beginning of the
line when you are considered for other financial aid programs at
your school.
With the implementation of "Early FAFSA" in 2017-18, your tax
information should be complete and available to import into the
application directly from the IRS. (The tax information used for
the new process will be the prior-prior year, or 2023, for the
2025-26 FAFSA.)
I am going to a different school in the spring. I got OTAG last
fall at my old school. Can I get it at my new school too?
Please contact the financial aid office at the school you are
transferring to and ask about OTAG eligibility.
I am only taking three credit hours this semester. Can I
receive OTAG funds?
Please contact the financial aid office at your school to ask
about institutional eligibility requirements.
What is the maximum amount of OTAG I can receive?
Currently, the maximum amount a student can receive is up to
$1,500 per year at eligible community colleges and career
technology centers, up to $2,000 at eligible regional universities
and up to $3,000 at eligible research universities. The
actual amount you receive can also be affected by the cost of the
school you attend and how many hours you are taking, as well as
what other financial aid you are receiving.
I am a graduate student. Can I get OTAG?
No. Graduate students are not excluded by the law that created
OTAG; however, OTAG does not offer awards to all eligible students
under the law because of funding limitations. At this time,
undergraduates are given priority and have been for the past
several years.
I'm not a graduate student, but I already have one bachelor's
degree and I'm getting a second one. Can I still get OTAG?
No. OTAG is limited to undergraduate students who have not yet
received a first bachelor's degree.
I am going to a college in another state. Can I get OTAG?
No. Only students attending
OTAG-eligible schools in Oklahoma can receive an OTAG
My school doesn't appear on the list of eligible schools, but
it is in Oklahoma. Why isn't it eligible?
The school you are attending may be a proprietary (for-profit)
school. Students at proprietary schools are not eligible to receive
OTAG funds.
I am not eligible to fill out the FAFSA due to my citizenship
status, but someone told me I might still be eligible for OTAG. Is
this true?
It is true that some students are not eligible to receive
federal aid because they are neither U.S. citizens nor eligible
non-citizens (Information about federal aid eligibility is
available at Federal Student Aid.) However, some of these students
can still be considered for state aid, such as an OTAG award. In
general, qualified applicants enrolling in postsecondary education
for the first time in 2007-08 and thereafter, must:
- Have graduated from a public or private high school in
- Have resided in Oklahoma with a parent or guardian while
attending a public or private high school in Oklahoma for at least
two years prior to graduation.
- Satisfy admission standards, as determined by the Oklahoma
State System of Higher Education.
- Have provided to the institution a copy of a true and correct
application or petition filed with United States Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS) to legalize the student's immigration
In addition, undocumented students are subject to selection by
the school according to the institution's policy.
Undocumented immigrants who have previously received OTAG awards
and/or who were enrolled in postsecondary education in 2006-07 or
earlier are eligible under the criteria that was in effect in
2006-07. These students should call 405.225.9456 or toll free
800.858.1840 for more information regarding their
Qualified undocumented immigrant students should complete the Application
for Undocumented Immigrants
(PDF, 264k) following the directions
included on the form regarding completion, and mail directly to the
Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant Program.
Is there a maximum number of semesters a student can be
eligible for the OTAG award?
The OTAG program rules do not specify a maximum number of
semesters, however, limits on the duration of federal PELL grant
eligibility also limit OTAG eligibility. Program rules state that
otherwise eligible undergraduate students can continue to receive
awards as long as they are eligible for funding from the federal
Pell grant program.