Regional University Baccalaureate Scholarship
This scholarship enables 11 participating public universities to
provide up to four years of scholarship support to
academically-promising Oklahoma students enrolled in a
baccalaureate program.
Regional Universities
Cameron University, East Central University, Langston University,
Northeastern State University, Northwestern Oklahoma State
University, Oklahoma Panhandle State University, Rogers State
University, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Southwestern
Oklahoma State University, University of Central Oklahoma, and the
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma.
- Applicants must be Oklahoma residents.
- Applicants must meet one of the following criteria defined
A. Have an ACT composite score of at least 30 (Only ACT test
scores from an official test report issued by ACT will be
considered for admission to the program.) OR
B. Be a National Merit Semifinalist or Commended Student.
Award Amount
Starting Fall 2023, the annual award amount is $3,500 and a
resident tuition waiver from the institution. The scholarship is
available for up to eight semesters of study in a baccalaureate
program at a regional university or until the student is granted a
baccalaureate degree, whichever occurs first. The scholarship award
may be used only at the university making the award; it is not
Program Rules
For additional information on scholarship program, you may
download a PDF copy of the program rules.
Regional Baccalaureate Rules
(PDF, 20k)
Application is made directly through the university the student
plans to attend. The application deadline will vary for each
Leave of Absence Request
(PDF, 189k)
(PDF, 20.5k)
For Further Information
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
800.858.1840 or 405.225.9239