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Academic Scholarships

Academic Scholars Program

The Academic Scholars Program, established by the state Legislature and governor in 1988 and operated by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, provides scholarships to academically outstanding students who attend an Oklahoma college or university.

Academic Scholars receive a scholarship to help cover the cost of room, board, tuition, books and incidental fees for up to eight semesters. The actual value of the scholarship varies based on the institution the scholar chooses to attend.

This program should not be confused with the Oklahoma State Department of Education's Oklahoma Academic Scholars. Before the creation of the Academic Scholars Program, the State Department of Education had an award called "Oklahoma Academic Scholar." The student has to meet certain criteria to receive this recognition. It should be noted that this is a recognition only, not a scholarship. For more information, please visit the State Department of Education's Oklahoma Academic Scholar Recognition Program websitenew_window.

How to Apply
Program Rules
Frequently Asked Questions
Annual Reports


To qualify for the Academic Scholars Program, the applicant must meet the criteria outlined below.
  • Oklahoma students can automatically qualify for the program by achieving designation as a National Merit Scholar, National Merit Finalist or United States Presidential Scholar or by scoring at or above the 99.5 percentile on the ACT or SAT (see How to Apply).
    • For fall 2025, the ACT required score is a total sum score of the ACT skill areas of 137.
    • For fall 2025, the SAT required score is a total sum score of the critical reading and math skill areas of 1540.
  • Public colleges and universities may also nominate students attending their institution for the program based on criteria established by each institution.

Scholars will continue to receive a scholarship each year if they:

  • Maintain full-time enrollment each semester.
  • Complete at least 24 semester credit hours each year (additional hours required if taking the option of summer funding).
  • Maintain at least a 3.25 cumulative grade point average each year.


Academic Scholars will receive a scholarship to help cover the cost of room, board, tuition, books and incidental fees for up to eight semesters.

The amount of the award varies according to the type of institution the student attends and qualification status. Beginning fall 2024, the annual scholarship amount for automatic qualifiers is $6,500 for students who attend the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University or The University of Tulsa; $5,000 for students who attend any other Oklahoma four-year public or private college or university; and $4,500 for students who attend Oklahoma two-year colleges.

The annual scholarship amount for Institutional Nominees is $4,000 for students who attend the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University or The University of Tulsa; $3,200 for students who attend any other Oklahoma four-year public or private college or university; and $3,000 for students who attend Oklahoma two-year colleges.

The award amounts may vary from year to year depending upon the amount of funds available. Payment is made directly to the institution on the student's behalf. Students who enroll at public colleges and universities are eligible for a tuition waiver in addition to the scholarship award noted above.

How to Apply

Oklahoma residents who automatically qualify for the program by scoring at or above the 99.5 percentile on the ACT or SAT or who qualify for the program by achieving designation as a National Merit Scholar, National Merit Finalist or United States Presidential Scholar should complete the online application form.

Apply Now

State Regents staff will review and verify the online application and supporting documentation submitted. If any additional documentation is needed, they will request it from the applicant via the email address provided on the application.

Students who do not automatically qualify should contact their college or university financial aid office for more information on the institution's nomination process.

Award notification letters are sent to approved applicants beginning in late February each year. Prior to each semester, the State Regents office will forward a roster of Academic Scholars to each Oklahoma college and university. Oklahoma high schools are not notified of scholarship recipients.

Program Rules

For additional information on the State Regents Academic Scholars Program, you may download a PDF copy of the program rules.

Academic Scholars Program Rules Handoutpdf (PDF, 149k)


Completed forms should be submitted to:

Academic Scholars Program
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
PO Box 108850
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-8850

Leave of Absence Requestpdf (PDF, 71k)
Summer Applicationpdf (PDF, 22k)

Request for Transfer of Scholarship Form*pdf (PDF, 44k)
Request for Transfer Graduate School Formpdf (PDF, 36k)

*Guidelines for scholarship transfer:

  • Students receiving the scholarship as an Institutional Nominee of a two-year college are eligible for transfer to a four-year public or private Oklahoma institution after completion of an associate's degree or the accumulation of at least 48 credit hours. Institutional Nominees of a two-year college must attend the nominating institution for the first year.
  • Students receiving the scholarship as an Institutional Nominee of a four-year university are eligible for transfer to another Oklahoma institution after one year of attendance at the nominating institution.

Annual Reports

2020-21 Annual Report pdf (PDF, 695k)
2019-20 Annual Reportpdf
(PDF, 607k)
2018-19 Annual Report
pdf (PDF, 481k)
2017-18 Annual Report
pdf (PDF, 431k)
2016-17 Annual Reportpdf (PDF, 290k)
2015-16 Annual Reportpdf (PDF, 490k)
2014-15 Annual Reportpdf (PDF, 381k)
2013-14 Annual Reportpdf (PDF, 505k)
2012-13 Annual Reportpdf (PDF, 450k)
2011-12 Annual Reportpdf (PDF, 116k)
2010-11 Annual Reportpdf (PDF, 182k)
2009-10 Annual Reportpdf (PDF, 123k)
2008-09 Annual Reportpdf (PDF, 132k)
2007-08 Annual Reportpdf (PDF, 404k)
2006-07 Annual Reportpdf (PDF, 254k)
2005-06 Annual Reportpdf (PDF, 330k)
2004-05 Annual Reportpdf (PDF, 328k)
2003-04 Annual Reportpdf (PDF, 374k)
2002-03 Annual Reportpdf (PDF, 684k)

For Further Information

For more information about the Academic Scholars Program, email

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